Hi, I'm Saurabh, a '23 batch student at VIT, Vellore.

About Me


Name : Saurabh Singh

Age : date.now() - 2001;

Motto : <strong> Live in Present </strong>

Me : [ Passionate, Focused, Hard Working,

Responsible, Fast Learner ]

College : Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore



'23 Batch Btech Computer Science Student


I am a <strong>passionate </strong> learner. I love to live in present and finish one task at a time. Being a keen learner, I want to do something where I am able to expand my learnings, knowledge and skills and excel in various fields. To secure an opportunity where I can use my skills for making a positive contribution. To Enjoy, Work, Learn & Grow.

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SAURABH's Resume final 2021.pdf

My Skills


Languages : Javascript, C/C++, Python, Java

Frontend : Html, CSS, React, Figma

Backend : Flask

Design : Logo, UI/UX, Figma, Canva etc

Others : Git, Google sites, Wordpress, Coding etc


Experience & Achievements

  • I have worked on various projects alone and with team during these first 2 years at college.

  • We have done 7-8 projects in fields of Cryptography, Operating Systems, Database, Software development, Network Security etc.

  • Participated in Hackathons with some projects and learn very new things with speakers and audience.

  • Clubs : Vinnovate It ( Tech club), Comedy club, LEO CLub (NGO)

  • Searching For tech Internship

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My Projects

Review 3 PPT final-converted.ppt


Figma: Opposites

Figma: Faces

Figma: PetPaws

I hereby declare that all above information is in correct with fact or truth up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibilities for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars.

Get in touch at [saurabhs10899@gmail.com]